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Amoeba Gallery
Works by Shelby Marzoni
Unleashed Angst:
Expressions of 2020

Visual Valium, Part 2
Interesting thing about painting. Many adults who engage in this activity do it for fun. Many even say that it's "relaxing." It CAN BE...

Coloring in the Lines and Other Tales of Gothic Horror
I haven't shown this blog any love for a long time, mostly because I've been in a rigorous Teacher Training Program at Prima Materia....

Painting From My Imagination...and My Gut
This piece was a long time coming. Unlike my more adventurous paintings that were responses to technical challenges from my instructor,...

Messing Around With Mother Nature
This is the next stage in my evolution as a painter. For a long time, when I had a hankering to paint a landscape, seascape, or portrait,...

Performance Art
This painting of a ginormous wave, titled "Magnitude," happened like an unexpected slice of birthday cake in the middle of a low-carb...

Visual Valium, Part 1
Believe it or not, I created this piece ("Not a Holiday Inn Landscape," 36 x 48) immediately after finishing the "Psycho" painting and...

Bait and Switch
During our last chat, I was slap-dashing a loose close-up of Robert Plant in an attempt to regain my sanity after OCD-ing over...

Preventing Hair Loss
I know artists who believe that in order to develop in one's craft, one must ALWAYS work outside the comfort zone. I just returned from a...

Going Public
Welcome to my world! In high school, I would sit in the back of the room and whisper snide comments about my history teacher's lack of a...

Happy Plagiarisms
Sunday I taught a painting-and-refreshments fundraiser at my church, the subject of which was a classic Bob Ross landscape. This painting...
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